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Daug config noobams ir dazniausiai uzduodami klausymai

Įvairūs serverio failai, gidai, skriptai

Daug config noobams ir dazniausiai uzduodami klausymai

Standartinė Bosiux » Balandis 1st, 2010, 12:44 am

Sumasciau sukurti tokia pamoka surasyti dauguma svarbiausiu configu nes jau atsibodo pagalbos prasymas kur man toki configa rast kur toki ar anoki ar ne taip? Nekreipkite kad bus true daug kur nes čia is saves emiau čia jau pagal savo norus keisite. Tai pradesime judame:

Sia tema daznai atnaujinsiu ir idesiu dar ko daugelis klausia.


Server config:

# AutoLoot enable. True to enable, False to disable
AutoLoot = True čia ar mesti dropa ant zemes ar iskart i inventoriu.

# If False raid drop will drop on ground even if AutoLoot is enabled
AutoLootRaid = False čia ar mesti dropa is RaidBoss ant zemes ar i inventoriu.

# If False special boss drop will drop on ground even if AutoLoot is enabled
AutoLootBoss = False čia ar is Boss mesti ant zemes ar i inventoriu.

# If False herbs will drop on ground even if AutoLoot is enabled
AutoLootHerbs = True čia ar herbus mest ant zemes ar nemest.

# AutoLearnSkills. True to enable, False to disable
AutoLearnSkills = True čia ar automatiskai mokitis skillus.

# Weight Limit multiplier - default 1
AltWeightLimit = 100000000 čia weight limitas kiek jus i inventoriu galite prisimest šudo ir kiek sversite nuo to šudo.

# If XP loss (and deleveling) is enabled, default is 'True'
Delevel = True čia ar kai mirsti kris levelis ar ne.

# If disabled, magic dmg has always 100% chance of success, default is 'True'
MagicFailures = True čia ar magais failins magijas.

# Alternative mob behavior in peace zones
# Default = True; Set to False to prevent mobs from auto-agro against players in peace zones
AltMobAgroInPeaceZone = True čia ar mobai tures agresijos peace zonoje.

Alternative settings against player with karma:

AltKarmaPlayerCanBeKilledInPeaceZone = False čia ar zmogus gales zudyti karma jei yra ana peace zonoje.
AltKarmaPlayerCanShop = True čia ar karma gales shopintis
# Can the player use Scroll of Escape or Return skill?
AltKarmaPlayerCanTeleport = True čia ar karma gales teleportinties
# Can the player use gatekeepers (GK)?
AltKarmaPlayerCanUseGK = True čia nezinau kažkas irgi su teleportu
AltKarmaPlayerCanTrade = True ar karma gales daryt trade
AltKarmaPlayerCanUseWareHouse = True ar karma gales detis itemus i wiercha.

# Allow free teleportation around the world.
AltFreeTeleporting = False čia ar for free bus teleportas visur

# Obviously, Players That Are x Level Cannot Be Hitted By Players That Are Over Their Level.
# NOTE: x Is The Number Used For level. Right Now is 25.
AltPlayerProtection = False
AltPlayerProtectionLevel = 25 čia ar apsaugot playeri kai jis 25 lvl siuo atveju nu bet mes galim keist ta 25.

Skills config

# Allow use Event Managers for change occupation
# If you need change occupation only use quest then set this to False
# Default = False
AllowClassMasters = True čia jei ispawninsim Roy the cat kad jis po rr nedinktu.

# Remote Class Change (HTML pops up on 20/40/76).
AllowRemoteClassMasters = False čia ar reiks mums vadalotis iki roy the cat kad pasimt profke ar jis pats isoks

# Life crystal needed to learn clan skills
LifeCrystalNeeded = True čia ar reik crystalu mokintis cl skilus
# Spell Book needed to learn skills
SpBookNeeded = False čia ar book reik mokitis skilams

# Book needed to enchant skills
EnchantSkillSpBookNeeded = True čia ar reik book enchantint skillams

# Alternative skill learn rules:
# - all classes can learn all skills
# - skills of another class costs x2 SP
# - skills of another race costs x2 SP
# - skills of fighters/mages costs x3 SP
AltGameSkillLearn = False čia ar visos clases visus skilus gal mokintis

# Allow player sub-class addition without checking for unique quest items.
AltSubClassWithoutQuests = True čia sub class ar su kvestu ar be

# Maximum number of allowed subclasses for every player.
# Retail: 3
MaxSubclass = 3 čia kiek max subclasiu gales turet bet jis dazniausiai neveikia wink

# Limit attack speed (0 = disable)
# Unlimited - retail like
MaxPAtkSpeed = 1500 čia koks max c speed bus
MaxMAtkSpeed = 1500 čia koks atk speed bus max

# Restore Buffs On Subclass Change?
# Retail : False
RestoreEffectsOnSub = True čia ar palikt buffus jei pasikeiti class

# Enables - Disables Grade Penalties
DisableGradePenalty = True čia ar s grade nuo 1 lvl bus

# Enables - Disables Weight Penalties
DisableWeightPenalty = False čia ar weight limits bus

Buffs config

# Maximum number of buffs (default = 20 + 4 Divine Inspiration in C5)
MaxBuffAmount = 100 čia kiek buff gales uzsimesti.

Dimension Rift Config

# Custom new characters spawn.
AllowCustomNewSpawn = True
CustomNewSpawnX = 147447
CustomNewSpawnY = 26980
CustomNewSpawnZ = -2205 čia kur atsiras naujas charakteris

Other configs

# Allow to log in with more than one account per ip
AllowDualBox = True čia ar gales du acc isijunkt is vieno ip.

Judam toliau:

Champion mobs

# Enable Champions L2JMod
ChampionEnable = False čia ijungiam ciampionus
# Chance for a mob to became champion (in percents) - 0 to disable
ChampionFrequency = 5
# Min and max lvl allowed for a mob to be champion.
ChampionMinLevel = 20
ChampionMaxLevel = 70
# Hp multiplier
ChampionHp = 8
# Hp Regen Multiplier
ChampionRegenHp = 1.
# Rewards multiplier
ChampionRewards = 8
# Adenas & seal stones rewards multiplier
ChampionAdenasRewards = 1
# Atk bonus for champion (changes apply on patk & matk)
ChampionAtk = 1.
# Spd Atk bonus for champion (changes apply on patkspd & matkspd)
ChampionSpdAtk = 1.
# Chance to obtain a specified reward item from a higher lvl champion (in percents) default is off using glittering medal as reward
ChampionRewardItem = 0
# Specified reward item ID
ChampionRewardItemID = 6393
# Specified reward item rnd qty
ChampionRewardItemQty = 1

Wedding System

# description by unical3:
# It's 2 parted.
# First part "engage"
# 1) Target the player that you want to make a couple with
# 2) Write in chatwindow .engage nameofyourpartner then enter
# 3) if player has you on friendlist popup will apppear with engage request
# ============
# ok cancel
# ============
# and a systemsg that you wanna engage with him/her
# if not in your friendlist nothing will happen. (/friendinvite nameplayer)
# 4) if player accepts you are engaged. Congratulations!
# Second part "marriage"
# 1) if you are engaged go to a Wedding Priest named Andromeda
# in Hot Springs Guild House (Goddard) and ask for marriage
# [ you need Formal Wear (C4Items) and it costs 11k ]
# 2) your partner goes to the npc and confirms after you make the request
# 3) fireworks,wedding marchs and your are married
# You can use .gotolove nameofyourpartner to teleport to your partner if
# you're married (costs 500 adena)
# if you want to cancel your engagement / marriage enter .divorce nameofyourpartner
# if you're married you have to pay 20 % of adena to your partner
# When you try to engage with someone and you have already a partner you get
# a bighead + debuff
# You find a priest NPC in Hot Springs Guild House (Goddard).
# Wedding Manager Id: //spawn 50007
#True Allows Wedding, False disables Wedding.
AllowWedding = True čia ijungiam ar isjungiam wedybu sistema
#Cost of Wedding, set the price in Adena, remember not to exceed the max!
WeddingPrice = 250000000 čia kaina wedybu
#Would you like to punish the player for for disloyalty to their spouses? If you want them punished set to True, if you would like NO punishment then set to False
WeddingPunishInfidelity = True
#Have the players teleported for marriage? If so True, if not False
WeddingTeleport = True čia ar gales pas partneri teleportintis
#The Price for Teleport is configurable below in Adena
WeddingTeleportPrice = 50000 čia teleporto kaina
#Time before character is teleported can be set below (in seconds)
WeddingTeleportDuration = 60 čia teleporto laikas
#Homosexuality- Allowed = True, Not Allowed = False
WeddingAllowSameSex = False čia Ar gales pydarai ar lezbes tuoktis
#Require Players to wear formal wear, True is yes require formal wear, False is not require formal wear.
WeddingFormalWear = True čia ar reiks suknes ar kostiumo
#Cost of Divorce, % of Adena
WeddingDivorceCosts = 20 čia skirybu kaina
# Wedding announce?
AnnounceWeddings = True čia ar per anounce paskelbs apie vedybas

Banking System

# To enable banking system set this value to True, default is False.
BankingEnabled = True čia ar eis banko sistema jei prasysi deposit ar withdraw
# This is the amount of Goldbars someone will get when they do the .deposit command, and also the same amount they will lose when they do .withdraw
BankingGoldbarCount = 1 čia goldbaru kiek
# This is the amount of Adena someone will get when they do the .withdraw command, and also the same amount they will lose when they do .deposit
BankingAdenaCount = 500000000 o čia kiek is vieno gold baro gausi adenu
# This is banking item - now is Gold Bar.
BankingItemId = 3470

Custom Title System

# Set this option to True to enable custom titles on new chars.
# Replace "Equal" with the custom start tittle you want.

CharTitle = False čia ar ijunksim naujam charui title
CharAddTitle = Equal čia kokia bus tittle

Walker Protection

L2WalkerProtection = True čia ar apsuagot nuo valkerio

# Allow custom starting lvl False by default
# lvl and 100% instantly
AllowCustomStartLvl = True
CustomStartLvl = 80 čia koks lvl bus pradejus zaidima

# Custom hero subclass skill
# Allow you to add the hero skills to all subclasses
# CustomHeroSubSkill is the allow/disallow
# HeroCount means how many times the player needs to be a hero in row
CustomHeroSubSkill = False
HeroCount = 1 čia jei esi hero ar duot skilus ant kitos subos

# Allow Potions In PvP?
# Note : ALL Potions Won't Be Usable.
# Pots Such as CP , Greater CP , Healing , Greater Healing
# Quick Healing , Mana Pots , Elixirs
# Retail : True
AllowPotsInPvP = True čia ar leist potus per pvp

# Scroll Of Escape Restriction
# if False = A Player Cannot Use SOE When He Is Flagged.
# Default : True
AllowSoEInPvP = False čia ar gales naudot scrolus jei esi su flagu

# Show Welcome.htm When a Player Enters Lineage 2 World?
ShowWelcomeHTML = False čia ar ismest welcome html

Custom PVP/PK settings

# Custom pvp/pk message
# after pvp: "Good fight,enemy pwned:)"
# after pk: "Nice kill!You are so dangerous!"
AllowCustomPvPMessage = False čia ar leisti kai uzmusi sms
# Pvp reward system
AllowPvpRewardSystem = True čia ar duoti kanors
# Pvp reward itemId
PvpRewardItem = 6673 čia ka duodi item id
# Pvp reward amount
PvpRewardAmount = 10 čia kiek duodi
# Pk reward system Nu čia taspats tik kad pk
AllowPkRewardSystem = False
# Pk reward itemId
PkRewardItem = 6673
# Pk reward amount
PkRewardAmount = 5
# Allow the default PK system(+1 pk,+karma)
UseDefaultSystem = True
# Allow Custom pk system (pvp point for pk,no karma)
# UseDefaultSystem need to be False!
UseCustomSystem = False

Custom Voice Commands

# IF Set To True Then , When Someone Presses .online He Gets a Message Like
# There Are x Players Online! ( x is the Number Of Players That Are Currently On >.< )
AllowOnlineCommand = True čia online komanda parase matys kiek on yra

# IF Set To True , IF Someone Is Dead , He Can Target Hiself And Res Hiself.
# NOTE: Cannot Be Used In Olympiad.So It's Some Kinda Useful.
# Current Consume ID : 3470 ( Gold Bar )
AllowResCommand = False čia res komanda parase parensinsit reiks vieno gold bar

# IF Set To True , When Someone That Is in A Clan Presses .cl He Automatically Ports
# To His Clan Leader.
# NOTE: IF Leader is in : Jail , Olympiad , TvT , Ctf Etc. He Can't Port.
# Current Consume ID : 3470 ( Gold Bar )
AllowClanLeaderCommand = False čia gales pakeist cl lyderi irgi reiks vieno gold baro

# IF Set To True , When a Player In Game Presses .version
# He Will Get Informed For The Server's Version
AllowVersionCommand = False čia parase versija pack matysit

# IF Set To True , When Someone Targets A Player , And Presses .stat
# An HTML Window Opens And Gives Information About The Stats of The Targeted Player
# NOTE: Info Such as : PvP's / Pk's / Clan / Ally / Adena / Gb's
AllowStatCommand = False čia uztargine player matysit kiek tur pvp pk ir dar kito meslo

# Obviously, IF Set This to True Flagged Players Cannot Use Gatekeeper.
AltFlaggedPlayerCanUseGK = True čia ar flagint playeris gales teleportintis

# If Set to True , It will allow you to use the following commands
# .tvtjoin , .tvtleave , .tvtinfo
AllowTvtCommands = False čia tvt komandos

# IF This Set To True , When a Player Presses .pmoff
# He Won't Recieve Any PM's. He Can Disable It By Pressing .pmoff again.
AllowPlayersRefusal = False čia ar plyeris gales isjunkt pm

# IF An ActiveChar Presses .info An HTML Window Opens And Shows Server Info.
# NOTE: In Order To Change The HTML "Inner" , Go To data/html/mods/VoicedInfo.htm
AllowVoiceInfoCommand = True čia info html

# IF An ActiveChar Presses .tradeoff he will block all the trades.
AllowTradeoffCommand = False čia ar gales isjunkti trade

# This option is to enable or disable for normal players can hit NPC.
# NOTE: There's A Possibility That This Config. Will Reduce Game Lag
# Retail: True
PlayerHitNpc = False čia ar playeris gales dauzt npc

# The Well-Known Stucksubs Mode. When True , The Player Has The Subclasses Skills On His Main Class and Vice Versa
AltSubClassSkills = False čia stuck class krc žinot ka tas reisk

Change Name's Color Via PvP's

# Each Amount will change the name color to the values defined here.
# Example: PvpAmmount1 = 500, when a character's PvP counter reaches 500, their name color will change
# according to the ColorForAmount value.
# Note: Colors Must Use RGB format
EnablePvPColorSystem = True čia ar bus color system on

# Pvp Amount & Name color level 1.
PvpAmount1 = 250 čia nuo kiek pvp
ColorForAmount1 = 00ff00 čia spalvos kodas

Change Title's Color Via Pk's

# Same as above, with the difference that the PK counter changes the title color.
# Example: PkAmmount1 = 500, when a character's PK counter reaches 500, their title color will change
# according to the Title For Amount
# WAN: Colors Must Use RGB format
EnablePkColorSystem = False čia ar pk systema bus on

# Pk Amount & Title color level 1.
PkAmount1 = 500 čia pk skaicius nuo kiek keisis
TitleForAmount1 = 00FF00 čia spalvos kodas

Donator Color Name & Title Config

# Pvp And Xp Award System
# 0 Is by Default!
# Thanks Cobra.
AllowAddExpSpAtPvP = False čia nuo pvp xp sp duos ar ne duos
AddExpAtPvp = 0 čia kiek ko duos
AddSpAtPvp = 0

#Abort/Restart/Shutdown Setting
#When the server restarts/aborts shutdown-restart/shutdowns it will say , Server "x" is restarting/shutdowning
AbortRestart = Servo name. čia kaip rasys kad restartinsis servas

Party Duel Config

# Heavy Equipment Restriction
# IF False , Dagger Classes Won't Be Able To Use Heavy Armors
AllowDaggersUseHeavy = False čia ar dageriai gales heavy nesiot
# IF False , Archer Classes Won't Be Able To Use Heavy Armors
AllowArchersUseHeavy = False čia ar lankai gales heavy nesiot

Soul Crystal Config

# Gives you 80 lvl after taking subclass
MaxLvLAfterSub = True čia ar duos max lvl po subos pakeitimo

Ok next

#Amount of adena that a new character is given
#Default is 0
StartingAdena = 100000000 Kiek duos adenu pradejus game

# This is the amount of ancient adena that a new character starts their character with.
# Default: 0
StartingAncientAdena = 0 kiek duos aa pradejus game

# Inventory space limits
MaximumSlotsForNoDwarf = 150 čia kiek dvarfu inventoriu gales mesti
MaximumSlotsForDwarf = 150 čia kiek paprastiek gales mesti
MaximumSlotsForGMPlayer = 1000 čia gm kiek gales mestis

# Warehouse space limits (Must be < 300 for prevent client crash)
# Dwarfs will get bonus from lvl 60
MaximumWarehouseSlotsForNoDwarf = 100 čia kiek i wiercha dvarfai gales
MaximumWarehouseSlotsForDwarf = 100 čia kiek paprasti
MaximumWarehouseSlotsForClan = 200 čia kiek i clano
MaximumFreightSlots = 20 čia bbz

# Unstuck interval, seconds, default is 300 sec.
UnstuckInterval = 30 čia unstuck timas

# Player Protection after teleporting or login in seconds, 0 for disabled
PlayerSpawnProtection = 15 čia kiek laiko bus playeris apsaugotas po tp ar po atsiradimo in game

# Amount of HP, MP, and CP is restored
# Values are in percent of max
RespawnRestoreCP = 100
RespawnRestoreHP = 100
RespawnRestoreMP = 100 čia kai paspaudi to vilage kiek visko atstatys


# Allow delete chars after nnn days, 0 = feature disabled
DeleteCharAfterDays = 1 per kiek dienu istrins chara

Server optimizations

# === Items on ground management ===
# Allow players to drop items on the ground
AllowDiscardItem = False Ar gales mest itemus ant zemes

# Show "data/html/servnews.htm" when a character enters world.
ShowServerNews = False čia kai prisijungi in game ar mest servernews html

# Show L2Monster level and aggro
ShowNpcLevel = False Ar rodyt mobu lvl agro kaip tittle

Community board configuration

# Type of the Community board
# - Full = new Community Board ( /! Experimental)
# - Old = old Community Bord
# - off = no community Board
CommunityType = off čia ar isjunkt alt b
BBSDefault = _bbshome
# show level of character to others in Community Board
ShowLevelOnCommunityBoard = False
ShowStatusOnCommunityBoard = True
NamePageSizeOnCommunityBoard = 50
NamePerRowOnCommunityBoard = 5

Dažniausiai užduodami klausymai:

1. Kaip pakeisti serverio pavadinimą į savo ?
Tai padaryti galime client pusėje, mums prireiks L2File Edit, atsidarome jį ir tarp savo system aplanko susirandame DAT failiuką pavadinimu "servername-e", atsidarome jį per L2File Edit, ir tiesiog pakeičiame pirmą serverio pavadinimą į savo, išsaugome 413 algoritmu ir viskas.

2. Kaip padaryti, kad npc nejudėtų iš spawn vietos ?
Tai padaryti galima per game server config failus, einame į juos, susirandame "" failą, ten rasime parašyta:
MaxDriftRange = 200
skaičių 200 pakeičiame į tiek kiek norime, kad npc judėtų iš savo spawn vietos, jei nenorite, kad išvis judėtų nustatykite 0.

3. Kaip įjungti, kad nereikėtų registruotis, o accountus sukurtų automatiškai ?
Einame į savo login server failus, ten randame failą "", atsidarę jį rasite tokias eilutes:
True reiškia, kad auto accountu sukūrimas įjungtas, taigi nereiks niekur registruotis, jei pakeisite į False registruotis reikės.

4. Kaip išjungti subclass quest'a ?
Eime į "gameserver\config\ "" failą ir jame rasime panašias eilutes:
"AltSubClassWithoutQuests = False"
žodį "False" pakeitę į "True" išjungsime subclass quest'a, jei paliksime "False" jis bus įjungtas, po pakeitimo reikia serverio restart.

5. Kaip apsaugoti žaidėjus, kad tik atsiradus jų negalėtų užmušti ?
Einame į savo game server config failus, ten susirandame "" failą, jame rasite parašyta
PlayerSpawnProtection = 0
skaičių 0 pakeiskite į savo norimą (pvz 10, reikš, kad žaidėjas bus apsaugotas 10 sekundžių).

6. Kaip sumažinti įvairių daiktų svorį ?
Daiktų svorį sumažinti galima per savo serverio duomenų bazę. Aš naudoju navicat. Pavyzdžiui norime sumažinti Draconic Bow (S grade Bow) ginklo svorį, einame į weapons lentelę, susirandame tą ginklą (ID 7575) tada su slankikliu einame į šoną kol surandame žodį "Weight", Draconic Bow eilutėje, ties Weight eilute pakeičiame skaičių į tokį kokį norime (kiek norime, kad svertų). Taip keičiamas ir visų kitų daiktų svoris.

7. Kur keičiame visokie pavadinimai (ginklų, šarvų ir visų kitų daiktų) ?
Pavadinimus galime pakeisti su L2File Edit savo system aplanke atsidare itemname-e.dat failą.

8. Kaip pasižiūrėti kito žaidėjo inventorių ?
Naudokite alt+g įrašykite žaidėjo nick'a į lentelę ir pasirinkite ka jūs norite jame matyti

9. Kaip pasidaryti save admin'u ?
Mums prireiks Navicat pagalbos. Atsidarykime savo serverio duomenų bazę pasirinkime character ir susirandame savo vardą. Slenkame su slankiuku i soną kur pamatysime acces level patartina dėti 127 acces leveli.
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Pranešimai: 369
Užsiregistravo: Kovas 3rd, 2010, 10:25 pm
Increase user’s karma Decrease user’s karma

Grįžti į L2j serverio failai, gidai, skriptai

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