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(L2Script+Private) L2 Hi5 Empire x20 04.12.12

Šioje skiltyje reklamuojami serveriai. Vienas serveris gali turėti tik vieną temą.
Forumo taisyklės
1. Temos pavadinime turi būti tik serverio pavadinimas.
2. Serveris gali turėti tik vieną temą (sukurtoms temoms iki 2012-03-05 negalioja).
3. Pirmame pranešime turi būti detali informacija apie serveri. (šablonas bus veliau).
4. Temos savininkas gali tema iškelti aukščiau, parašęs Up ar tiesiog kažką apie serverį.

(L2Script+Private) L2 Hi5 Empire x20 04.12.12

Standartinė Edimax » Gruodis 2nd, 2012, 8:49 am



* XP 20X
* Party XP 2X
* SP 20X
* Party SP 2X
* Drop Items 10X
* Drop Adena 10X
* Drop Spoil 10X
* Quest Reward 6X
* Quest Reward XP 6X
* Quest Reward Adena 2X
* Raid Boss Drop 4X
* Epic Jewels: 1


* Auto Loot
* Most damage drop criteria
* Auto Learn Skill (Divine Ispiration too)
* Usefull Npc all in giran
* Safe Enchant: +4
* Max Enchant: Retail
* Normal Scroll Rate: 65%
* Blessed Scroll Rate: 65%
* Element Stone Rate: 50%
* Element Crystal Rate: 33%

* Max Buff 28+4
* Max Dance : 18
* Triggered buffs don’t overbuff (10 slot for triggered buffs)

* Max Subclass: 3
* Max Subclass Level: 85
* Subclass without quest
* Weight Limit: 5X


* Epic boss Freya, simple and reinforced, as well as a chain of 6 quests for this boss.
* Epic Boss Zaken is fully consistent with the server off (night, day and highest Zaken)
* Fully implemented Hellbound (Hellbound) as well as Beleth + AI
* Epic Quest 7 Signs
* Item Mall.
* Territory Wars.
* Subclass Sertification.
* Unique AI for the main bosses.
* Proper system Olympiad High Five.
* Works correctly transformation and flying transformation
* Air route and clan ships.
* Correct the siege of the forts and castles.
* Dungeons forts and castles.
* All three Paylaka.
* Kamaloka, solo Kamaloka, maze Kamaloka.
* System attributes Retail High Five.
* The system of paired social action.
* System Recommendations Retail High Five.
* The system of the type of the party without a rebuild.
* All new stuff Retail High Five.
* Summon and dice now use Spirit Ore.
* Buffs host passed summon.
* Parameters attributes summons Retail High Five.
* All new quests Retail High Five.
* All of the old quests are changed according to the High Five.
*The mechanism is identical to the calculation of drop off. server.
* System blessing Nevit Retail High Five.
* All new skills Retail High Five.
*Support language En / Ru
*Nexus Event Engine
*Lakfi-Lakfi Pig


* Gm Shop (Up to A grade)
* Global Teleport,
* Purchase professions 1,2,3
* Buffer + Saving player profile and pet
* Statistics – Top 20 PC, Top 20 PvP Top 20 PC Cafe, Epic Boss Spawn Manager, Top Heroes, Top Castel


* Reward System
* Offline Mode
* Newbie start pack (all new player will get NG equip for better start and 50k)
* Deleveler
* Npc Server Info
*Nexus event engine
Pranešimai: 7
Užsiregistravo: Balandis 13th, 2011, 2:51 pm
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