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Nerandi gero serverio ar nežinai kur ieškoti?
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Kuriam temas naudodami aiškius pavadinimus, pvz.

1. Pasiūlykit H5 pvp serverį
2. Pasiūlykit C6 MID serverį

Tokios temos kaip : "pasiūlykit", "swx kur lošiat" bus trinamos o autoriai baudžiami be įspėjimo.

Standartinė mikis55 » Spalis 24th, 2014, 4:10 pm

- Reit’ai: xp 700 sp 800 aden 1000 drop 1 partyxp 2 partysp 2.
- Enchant’ai: succes 85% su blessed 91% max 35, safe 4, eventu metu [ lms, 1x1... ] iki max 45.
- Visų klasių hp/mp padidinti(hp daugiausia dadeda vesper armorai)
- Custom teleporteris į visas zonas bei pas visus RaidBosus
- Patobulinta tvt sistema, neaktyviem nuo šiol nebeduoda atlygio.
- Žudant tuos pačius žaidėjus negausite pvp/pk taškų (karmą aišku gausite)
- Custom bufferis, nuo šiol bufinimasis bus greitas ir paprastas.
- Custom mp/hp potai, trunkantys 5 minutes.
- Krūva L2-Reload npc(niekur dar nematyti npc!).
- Krūva L2-Reload zonų.
- Per 25 custom raidus su jiem skirtomis zonomis.
- Pilna Reload parduotuvė(GM shop).
- Unikalūs, administracijos modifikuoti antharo itemai.
- Custom wingai/maskai su custom stat’ais.
- Custom tatto su custom stat’ais.
- Custom item’ų shop’as už custom materijas ir kita.
- Hero keičasi kas savaitę!
- Buff’ai trunka 1 valandą!
- Raidės(pagrindinis materialias) spoilinimas iš mobų(taippat meta raidai/sodybos mobai) !
- Nauji, dar nematyti skillai!
- Nobless tereikia nusipirkti laišką.
- TvT event’ai kas 2h-3h!
- FULL C1-C6(+ T1 pataisymai) skill’ai, vietovės.
- Custom raid’ų teleporter’is.
- Daugelis sutvarkytų custom mobų custom zonose.
- Nelimituotas buffų kiekis.
- Klanų sistemos, skillai sutvarkyti.
- Subclass be questo(max 3 subclass).
- Auto skill’ai(gaunate skillus automatiškai vos tik užsikeliate reikiama leveli).
- Malonus, draugiški ir tikrai nekorumpuoti gmai.
- Nesenai paruošta naujas, išskirtinis raidas(su unikaliu priėjimu reikalaujančiu raktų)
- Daugelis online žaidejų, garentuota pvp dozė!
Pranešimai: 2
Užsiregistravo: Spalis 22nd, 2014, 8:35 pm
Increase user’s karma Decrease user’s karma


Standartinė DeadMouse » Spalis 24th, 2014, 4:41 pm


Hello folks :) So in this topic you will find all general server information.

Rates :

EXP - 500
SP - 500
Adena - Custom
Item Drop - Custom


Safe Enchant = +6
Max Enchant Weapon = +25
Max Enchant Armor AND Jewels = +25
Scroll Enchant = Chance of success varied enchantment!
Blessed Enchant = 90% chance of success


CTF - Reward 5 Event Medals
TVT - Reward 5 Event Medals, and 500 clan reputation score
DM - Reward 15 Event Medals
LH - Reward 15 Event Medals


Olympiad working 100%
Castle Siege working 100%
All skills working 100%
Duel System working 100%
Hero System working 100%
.menu = Command to custom server features!
Auto Events working 100%
6 Epic Boss
3 Simple Boss
3 Rebirth Boss
1 Event Boss
Item upgrade system
Rebirth System
All class have perfect class balance and we made a system that we can edit all class without server restarts on a real time.
Free class change
Free sub class change
Color manager
Clan manager
Instant level - 80

Custom Items:
Newbie Protection - For 3 Hours
Tattos LvL 1,2,3
Dusk / Monster Shield
Unique Accessoaries


Rebirth System:
First of all you need meet NPC Lorus in Aden Castle Town.
Lorus will give you 3 quests
The Light of New Birth - 1st Book.
The Light of New Birth - 2nd Book.
The Light of New Birth - 3rd Book.

You can take all quests at the same time and there is no difference with one you complete first, but rebirth you can take only from first to the last.
There are 3 rebirth. Each rebirth will give you passive skills like: Increases 7% Run Speed, Increases ~20% Critical damage and so on.
To complete quest you need to kill one of 3 raid boss
and go back to NPC Lorus take one of free rebirth books.


Item Upgrade System:

S Grade items can be upgraded to higher level. For example "Imperial Crusader Breastplate" can be upgraded to "Imperial Crusader Breastplate {PvP}"

S Grade Weapons for example "Draconic Bow - Focus" can be upgraded to "Draconic Bow - Focus {Foundation}"

S Grade Jewelery also can be upgraded to "{PvP}"

Same system and with Tattoo's. There are 3 level's of tattoo's, "Newbie", "Gamer" and "Professional"
Pranešimai: 3
Užsiregistravo: Balandis 17th, 2014, 9:41 am
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