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Šiek tiek apie L2Damage

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Šiek tiek apie L2Damage

Standartinė pyxell0 » Sausis 19th, 2023, 11:32 pm

L2 Damage - korumpuotas serveris. Admin'as jailina žmones pagal dalbajobų užsakymus. Topinis pavizdys; BarbieQ. Šis veikėjas į Top 1 buvimą pvp lentelėje žiūri labai rimtai, ir jei jis pajaus grėsmę kad kažkas jį aplenks, padarys taip kad tas žmogus gautu jail time, arba ban'ą. Jis arba GM, arba sulindęs Admin'ui į piniginę. Toliau nieko nebepridursiu, įmesiu screenshot'us viso veiksmo ir išvadas darykitės patys. Manau, kad tokio serverio topuose tikrai neturėtų būti. Jis turėtų būti pašalintas.

P.S InkeR = BarbieQ claniškis.

Pranešimai: 3
Užsiregistravo: Sausis 19th, 2023, 10:59 pm
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Re: Šiek tiek apie L2Damage

Standartinė pyxell0 » Lapkritis 3rd, 2024, 5:29 pm

UP. Post'ą reikėtų pakelti vėl į viešumą, vykstant naujom nesąmonėm.
Šis žaidėjas turi Adminui labai daug įtakos, ir vienam žmogui paskelbus šį screenshot'ą discorde, admin'as tą žinutę ištrynė, ir tą žmogų išbanino iš serverio bei discord'o. Tai kas ištikro vyksta tam L2Damage? Velnias žino, tik viena aišku - serveris turėtu būti pašalintas iš visų top'ų.

Pranešimai: 3
Užsiregistravo: Sausis 19th, 2023, 10:59 pm
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Re: Šiek tiek apie L2Damage

Standartinė pyxell0 » Lapkritis 5th, 2024, 10:04 pm

+ žinutė iš žaidėjo "Faytas" kuris gavo ban'ą for free:

So week ago i posted picture in discord of player Arab talking with Lithuanian admin Tony aka Mindaugas Cekavičius the main head of server i saved picture it wasnt mine made so i posted it in discord just to let people realise that some players is under admins back i’ll post that picture and here it was an interesting picture player FatherOfDamage aka Arab was crying to admin to boost his classes in olympiad and admin was easily doing that and still doing till this day… after i posted that picture admin banned me in discord and two accounts ingame, dc-ingame nick was Faytas, then someone of my discord friends made more posts about corrupted admin Mindaugas Cekavičius at more forums/sites and guess what i instantly got ss in discord chat that player Arab saying that was me that posting more shit on other sites like maxcheaters,l2j i got also the screenshots of all that guy posts he did but i”ll not post his name couse he may get banned too couse he said truth as i did, then in about 2-3 days i took friends acc and named it iFaytas and clan member made a joke in hero voice “ban Faytas” so immidiatly i got banned again! ban says im banned couse i pretend as other player then he changed it that i used illigal software, after that i logged box to talk with him why i got banned he was standing in town so i asked him and he was ignoring me and all other people who asked why he banned me, and guess what? once again i got banned so in total i got banned 4 accounts for no reason just couse i posted picture of illigal things that admin doing and helping other players, by the way a month ago i was spamming that player arab like i always do just to make fun of him and that guy ciuldn’t handle the spam so he asked Tony to jail me and he jailed me for 120min being in jail i asked why and he unjailed me instantly xD i dont care anymore about this server and won’t play there couse he is helping other people/boosting theyr classes in olympiad lol im posting that special picture bellow…

after 4 free bans i could’t do nothing just to post it everywhere couse that pissed me off that people getting bans for telling the truth!
Pranešimai: 3
Užsiregistravo: Sausis 19th, 2023, 10:59 pm
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